The Holy Eucharist is celebrated on Sunday mornings at 9am (Contemporary Language).
Children grades K through Jr. High meet 3 Sundays a month during the first part of our Sunday Service September - April for interactive learning and crafts in a relaxed setting. Sundays leading up to Christmas include preparation for our annual Pageant.
Teens join the adults for Sunday worship, usually sitting together in a space they have chosen.
Other varied Christian education opportunities may be offered, including a Communion Class during Lent, a year-long Confirmation Preparation Mentored program, adult Inquirers' Class, and preparation for Baptism and for Marriage.
Acolytes support our worship experience from lighting candles at the beginning of the service through extinguishing them at the end. In between, they carry Cross, Torches, and Gospel Book in the Procession, Gospel Procession, and Retiring Procession, as well as serving at the altar, receiving the offerings of bread, wine, and alms, and ringing the bells during Communion.
Teens, Adults and many of our Acolytes go on to become Eucharistic Ministers as well, after being Confirmed.